Do I have any say in the decision even though we aren’t married?

Yes, the best way to do this is by speaking to the baby momma about letting you be part of the adoption. You have to let her know that you’ve taken an interest in this child and their future. It’s a delicate situation and can get complicated at times but you still...

Do I have to pay child support if the baby is put up for adoption?

No, you’re not required to pay child support if the adoption goes through. If for any reason the adoption does not go through then you would be responsible for child support until the child is 18 years of age. Most birth fathers know whether or not they’re ready to be...

What are my options in adoption?

You can opt for an open adoption where you will be able to select the adoptive parents for your child, decide on how much contact you want during your pregnancy, if you want them to attend doctor’s appointments with you and decide on what kind of contact you want at...